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We are a representative agency, Gallina was created to promote and follow up the commercial initiatives, with the basic idea of creating a chain of collaboration between companies and representatives, that have a common interest, such as to development economic growth.

The idea it’s to offer our proved methods and knowledge to maxims and to optimize working efficiency between single representative and company. We are able to do this due to twenty years experience in this field, matured in many areas, which has enabled us over the years to increase the sales and productivity thus profits for both company and the representatives.

Competences and professionality are the rules under which our team at Gallina work, over all of main land Italy, and it has always managed with success to assure competitiveness and the capability to adapt to personal needs.

@ Gallina Rappresentanze - Vat Nr: 03308440613 - Design: Netpixel
Telephone: +39.333.8123871 - Mail: